Wednesday, May 14, 2008

i know, im back

finals are finally over by tomorrow for me,
and yes, i am very excited.
for the past few 3 weeks i have been sleeping less amount of time
i slept like at 3 am morning everyday.

im finally over highschool.
i have so waited for this freedom
one step of becoming a complete, mature human being
there are at times when i miss being childish, and immature
but at times it is really tiring
when i see people who just can't grow up and do things
that are only for grade school kids.
hey, but what can you say, huh? that's just the way some people are.
they mature late and i don't blame them for that
but it is at times ridiculous to see a physically grown up person
act like a 1 year old.

in a short period of time, i have grown up so much
the way i think, the way i treat others,
and whenever i think about others before me
i feel like i did grown so much
i still have a selfish side in me but im slowly getting rid of it.
after all,
if i think about it, a true friend and a family is someone who
can be there for me when i really needed them. people who can actually
accept you the way you are. without the fakeness and the public image

when i stretched my arms for help,
the people who are the "true" friends are always ready to embrace
the brittle, fragile, breakable soul and help me become a better person
they will love the way i am and i would in return.

at times i do lack people like that
but i am thankful that i at least have some.
because there are some people who don't have anyone who they can trust
although it is not safe to trust a human being 100%
we tend to do it still

new environment, new people, and new me.
i might not make friends right away and i am not that good with
making new friends but i can definitely be someone who can be there
when someone really needs me.
i might not be the best friend but i can be a truthful, honest, benign friend

just show me that you are not fake and i'll show you me
in like non-stop.
i may hurt you by my harsh, truthful critiques
but hey, it's all for your own good
so don't take it personally.

sorry, im just excited for another journey of my life
Rhode Island here i come :^)