yesterday was quite a day cuz I went on a "date" with eun ji
we planned it day before but i didnt ask my parents advance because
i wasn't sure if it was going to happen..and then eun ji called around 11ish
when my parents just arrived home from their work to eat lunch
then i told my parents that i was going out to eat and
as usual they were not happy about it
my parents have this thingy going on where they don't want to share
their kids with other people. they just want to keep us with them
and have no contact with others...
it's sort of a parent disease or something..
and it sometimes suffocates me
cuz i miss alot of fun because of that..
i mean they are TOO obsessed with us
i get the fact that they are doing this cuz they are my parents but
when it goes over the it sux
i mean you can tell how obsessed they are
by just talking to them for 10 minutes
my dad wants to have 7 different cameras in my dorm just to
check up on sounds freaky? well imagine being the daughter....heh
and oh- it's serious..cuz he already have 10 different cameras in his store
so that he can check anytime when he's at home..
we actually watch people in my store which is located in Tanapag
and my house is all the way in yah...nice huh?
anyway..i did get out from house to eun jis' but it took hellotta time to do so
i had to wait 30 minutes, just to see if it was okay..
we went to moomin's and eun ji ate ramen set
and i ordered fried kimchi and wasnt that bad i guess?
after that we were wandering around dfs like tourists
and then we went to pena's to see what they had for new arrivals..but
eventually..they didn't have any we went all they way to garapan
to eat ice cream. theres this place called yellow mango
and their yogert icecream with fruits are so gooooooooooood!
i only ate it cuz eun ji was so full
then we called masa and luis what they were up to
and they were swimming at the beach behind aquaris
so we went there and i met yugo for the first time..
well i saw him in ayaka's blog but that was only in a pic
he looked like an aristocrat....some guy from a rich family cuz he was so pale..
masa made fun of me that i was more white then
but was an interesting day
tomo seemed really happy so i was happy too
eh-heh spring break is almost over....sigh....
K left to Seattle like yesterday or something...
and other than that nothin much..
i have to save up some money cuz i need to buy
birthday presents.....ahhhhhhh! i use way too much money on food..
anyhow so how's everyone? Ayaka? Chett?
I haven't heard lot from you
and oh, aya? did u get my email???
woah, your spring break sounds more interesting than mine. I really didn't do anything other than staying in my
I'd love to embrace the beach again if i can, but its not very likely in's still as cold as heck.
I'm with Chet on that, I'd LOVE to feel that warm sunlight on my face again, those sweet crisp breeze through my hair and those sand on me feet!!
LOL. Oh oh! I did read your e-mail. Did you read mine??
Love yah girl! I'll update my blogspot soon. Add like 3 posts in one day so hold up k?? LOL
Love yah doll.
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