Thursday, November 29, 2007

Doing what I am good at: being a Masochist

I think I love pain...Mental and Emotional Pain..
as I have admitted, I think I have
been getting the energy to live my life
from enduring the pain that I got from having stress
I mean just by looking at what kind of guys I fall for..
the hardcore "badboys." I know that they will hurt me
later on, but I still go for them-even though I know they
will hurt me. Can't hate them for some reason.
Oh, when me and Wen were dicussing about badboys,
on the radio, there was the song by Soulja boy
but remix done by Travis Barker
well that song was playing and we talked
about how Travis Barker was so hot
(well only me)
I really think I like bad boys......
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*SEXY TRAVIS: Wen told me that he's single now...>_<*
Today was just the day that I love: busy busy busy
The more I get busier, I get more stress
but I love busy days.. it helps me get other shitty thoughts out
of the way. If I am busy, I won't have to think about
how my life is so empy without that someone I have been
craving for the past few months
Don't worry, I'm over it. It's just that I'm still not ready
to live my life without him. I'm getting there don't worry
Just taking my time to get there. I don't want to hurry..
I know for sure that some day I will get over him because
I know fact that we cannot be together..or should I say
we won't be together because I am just sick and tired of all the
shit load of games he had to play on me but loving a person
for a long time and letting him go, is kinda hard.
Don't worry I'm fine. I'm doing much better!
well, back to my daily life,
First off, I had a Japanese class this morning at 9 AM.
after that I had to rush back to Senior Seminar because
I thought we would at least go over our college application process
because since it's coming to an end. and since that they helped us
last minute...but instead they had a really crappy SEFA scholarship
presentation..that I am not signing for sure.
So, I just headed out to my PS 110 meeting at the student center
I forgot to bring my laptop to workon my powerpoint so, I had to head back home
to get the stuff.. stupid me...
besides I woke up really late today..
I was suppose to wake up at 6:00 Am.
and I had my cellphone alarm on
but for some reason..I just can't wake up
these days even with alarms.
becuz I cannot hear my alarm ring?? I don't know
the sounds to the max....but I have trouble waking up
well anyways. I came back from home
and started working on my powerpoint
and then I headed back to STUCO meeting at 2:00 Pm. to see how the
sophies, and the jrs are doing on their dance thingy @ GIG..
wasn't my idea. they wanted one so I thought they were fundraising ..but
turns out to be they were all depending on Emma-who said
she will donate, or should I say "pay" to make this happen but
I think she just said that to get attention..and SHE DEFINATELY GOT ATTENTION
oh, well just wasted my precious 1 hour at SUTCO meeting :)
Emma didn't even show up to our WTF..she has issues..
Everyone in NMA are so fake these just disgusts me how they act.
well not everyone but majority of them. Can't really adjust to it but watever
like when did I even care. rite?LOL
after that I came back to the student center to work on the presentation
and then turns out that we had a meeting with current issues class at 3:30 at
Java me and Wen headed to Java Joes at 3:24
talked to Emily and discussed. but didn't get anything done cuz
two people didn't turn in their surveys ...
and none of them showed up except me, Wen, and Emily...
really hectic ...but I kinda enjoyed it
I have no gas in my car..:)
Thank you oil companys for raising the gas prices....
There are still so much things to do
first I have to finish the slides for PS110 because I planned to
check up with KiKi sunday with it.
and also the current issues survey tallys with Wen.
I also need to read my sociology text book to catch up
(recently I have been drawing random shits in
and I also have a Final comming up on PS110...shit
didn't read chapters 8,9,10...Urgh..
and I didn't even finish the apps. for college...
I should just stop drawing in class and focus more...
What is happening these days..Just too much stuffs going on in my head
that I just can't focus......


Kibou said...

Hahah Suelki-san, you always make me laugh no matter what. Whether it be a blog or chat, you know my laughter spot by just being you and I love that<3

Today's blog reminded me of Mina a little, like the "she has issues" and the "they're all fake but since when did I give a fuck" part LOL. You're so funny in so many ways+゚ヾ(´∀`*)ノ゙。+

DUDE, I don't drive over here but the gas price is eff'd.. Like it only goes up and never even pauses... My grandma was bitching about it while we headed off to TOC(a little mall place) jeez.. like she always have something to say about the gas price or like the flour price going up.

Anyways, you were talking about my address?? Uhmm lemme send it to you on gmail, and you can send me yours LOL.

Then I'll send you a NENGAJYOU, it's like a post card that Japanese people send to their crew before the New Year xD

HEY just a thought.. why don't you e-mail me no more... - -;; Getting satisfied from my blog!? Is that it!? Ehh, I kid.. But e-mail me if anything comes up or just to harass me♡

Love always,

suksters said...

Yah.. I have been bitchy like
Mina lately ..LOL
If you read my today's post
you can see why..
good thing you left early..cuz
you don't want to see all this
ugly real..LOL

yah...its gonna take awhile for me
well I'll try!!!:)

I'm happy that I make you laugh..
(like was I really funny?:S)LOL
Gas prices are just fucked up
the krazy Arabians and Bushy
are just going to kill all the
civilians hehe LOL
I have been walking to class lately
just to save gas.....URGH
But I can't believe that I gained

anyways yah just email me your
address...I'll email you my
address too!!
but I'm going to Korea in like
next next week??HEHE

well I'll still talk to you
with Blog and uh email heheheh >_<*