The fact itself just makes me jolly and happy
Well..I have no plans so far and I am not planning to
make any plans cuz I still need to go to the academy
and draw holidays for me..but
I am thankful for at least having something to do ..
I mean it's better than spending it by myself..rite?LOL
SAT registration is coming to an end..shit
now that I think about it, I haven't studied
and my art teacher is counting on me to get a decent score..
I know I need to study but I just can't do that right now
for..some reason....URGH...
Anyhow I bought Ayaka's gift yesterday and handmade letter
I need to send that out..I don't think it's gonna get there
in Christmas day but...I hope it gets there...
Don't ask me what I bought for her cuz ITS A SECRET!!!!!
I still need to buy cake, letters
and all that stuff for my family (cuz I think I'm planning to
do an suprise party for my grandparents. cuz they don't have any
idea what Christmas is like cuz first they are Asians and they
have never celebrated it yah)
and I also need to buy Vianka, Masa, and Yuika's presents...
so much things to do..and I still don't know what to buy.....:S
but at least I got Ayaka's present out of the way ....YaY!!!
This stupid essay writing for Colleges are just still pain in the ass
;( I need to right another essay for RISD...(Rhode Island School of Design..
or something like that...I don't even exactly know the college know rite?? heh)
and people from Saipan...I know I'm missing out a lot and
I am really really jealous of you guys who are spending this holiday season with their yah have fun for me!!
and enjoy the clip!!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Om-my God! It's Chrisumas!!!!!!!
Posted by suksters at 5:15 PM 5 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Changsta and Me
I was looking through some songs this weekend..
I realized that I have lost a lot of songs this month
I don't know what happened to all of them after I downloaded them
I have to re-download them..shit...really really lazy
When I was making a list of songs
that I have to download again,
it reminded me of my brother Changsta
(at least that what all my friends call him.
His friends call him...hmm..Hi-C...)
He use to provide me with the latest
hip hop songs when I was in Saipan
I never knew his importance until now..
I guess I just took a lot of things for granted
I miss Saipan. :S
I don't even know how I'm gonna survive college cuz
I get homesick easily...
Seeing Ayaka and Mina do it, it reallly suprises me
These days I'm not even sure if I really want to draw anymore
I mean I do want to go to college and live my life glamorously
as I have planned out but it's just a huge painstaking process
I just need more dedication ! I really do!
What happened to the Masochist me? What happened to the painlover?
Why am I always procrastinating?
Why is my mind filled with empty thoughts?
I miss my friends,family, and Saipan's warm food
I miss my car, my house, and my room
I know, I'm stupid..I know
I know for sure that I will try my best to resist all this shit
and try to finish everything as soon as possible but
I just feel lazy. Maybe I should watch that movie, Alvin and the Chipmunks
I really really want to watch that movie. Need some of Alvin's funkyness
Vianka I miss you so much !
and Oh, by the way don't worry about me
I know your dead worry but nothing to worry about
I think this is another phase
and I think I'm getting all mushy and Emo cuz I see couples everywhere
(not a good view to watch especially when it's cold. And I'm a
really sensitive person, you know)
But then, other than that I'm fine!
I need to send ayaka and you presents but I'm trying to figure out
how to save money...............URGH..
but anyhow I think I'm doing fine
It's just that I didn't find the right therapist yet to tell him/her
all my secrets.....
(it's just that I don't trust people who don't know me..I guess)
Ah, winter's cold breeze...
I wish it all went away...
Posted by suksters at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
All I want for Christmas is....
Every day is so busy
and everywhere I go, I feel the Christmas spirit
The lights, couples everywhere, Christmas ornaments and trees etc.
Well, it was actually yesterday when I visited my profolio academy
everything all changed. It wasn't the same place that I was in this Summer
the atmosphere, a lot of new people, and unexpected news
Yesterday I learned a new fact:
This guy in my academy that I was super close
that I even called him "my daddy(ahppa)" was going out with
this unni that I admired! (because of her artworks)
and also this guy in my academy that I called uncle
(actually my friend Robbin's ahppa..or that's what she calls him)
he also has a girl friend!!
I was like...I did miss a lot didn't I?....
and they were like
"Uh-huh, you miss out alot!"
they all welcomed me especially tae yoon oppa
He's one of the guys that I would
have dated if he was little bit younger.
And yes, he has a girlfriend..this unni that I really really like.
She's my fashion icon. She is a really really good dresser
These days, I'm in my depression mood
well there nothing that's really making this happen
since nothing really depressing happend to me recently
and also I have nothing to depress about..but I am still depressed
I don't know why so don't ask
I don't even feel like shopping anymore and
it's nolonger my joy...but these days
my grandma's keep on telling me to
buy more clothes...I really don't know why...
just can't understand..
so today I did buy some new clothes
in really really cheap price.
It should really make me happy,
since I am a true shop-a-holic
but it just won't cheer me up.
I have realized that I have changed
my joy into something different
I feel the same joy that I felt when
I bought clothes when I watch movies.
I don't know why but when I go to the movie theaters
and watch movies, (whether it's by myself or with someone)
I feel comfortable and relaxed. I feel like gaining back
my piece of heaven back
I'm happy that I gained it back but I'm starting to worry
that I might end up being illogical, dreamy, and imaginary
I mean what if I end up drifting apart from the real world
and live in my own imagination...? (cuz after watching movies
I started to imagine and day dream a lot)
It's sometimes hard to tell that the world we live in is either
a Reality or a Dream...
I really really believe that for this Christmas
I need a new boyfriend or something...
I just need someone next to me so that I won't be bored
I think I need attention and love
I think I just need a new boyfriend just to get the old one
out of my heart-a place where he nolonger and should never belong
because he doesn't deserve it at all.
I mean I can get all that love from family and friends but
I just need someone that I can love.
Someone that I can replace the old one and start loving..
Just by looking at me these days...I feel lonely even when I'm with people
I can feel the emptiness in my heart that is cold and numb
I think I can live without it but
I'm not that strong as everyone think I am
I need a strong man beside me who can hold me tight
I think that's what I need for this Christmas :)
Posted by suksters at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
Okay..yesterday was just crazy
I was really happy and jolly until 3:30 PM..
and then I really got ticked off around 4ish
I woke up yesterday around 5:00 because I had this weird dream
that really bothered me.
It was about this friend that I really dislike (initcial M)
was copying everything. (This usually annoys me)
well in my dream, she changed her major and got accepted into
the college that I was aiming for.
(She was gonna major on Translating shit..watever that is...)
Well what ticked me off in the dream was that I worked my butt
off and still didn't get accepted into it and she in the other hand
really didn't do shit but just changed her major and just
got accepted and she started to tease me.
After waking up, I tried to go back to sleep but it was worthless
I COULD NOT SLEEP! so yah, I woke up really early..
I posted a blog entry and then got ready to go out.
Today was the day-The Exchange Program!
Well it didn't workout as me and my friend had planned it but
it was okay I guess if I didn't have to wait outside of the school
for like 20 was really really COLD!
well I was wearing the mini skirt that Jamie gave me for
my birthday present and my whole theme yesterday was
a slutty catholic school girl...
(what I have worn in the Holloween Dance
past few years ago..
but my friend Lim told me that I looked like a japanese girl)
this is what it looked like:
Yes, it was freaken cold!
well I was wearing a jacket on top of it but still since it was
a mini skirt...we're talking was no use...
We were suppose to meet around 10 AM and I arrived early
in the subway station so I started to walk around to find this
stupid highschool (and believe me, I do not know this place)
so I was really wandering around like a tourist in a really
skimpy outfit. And yes,when I got there in front of the highschool
I got all the attention from the guys..they looked at me like
I was some kind of circus monkey...I really hate that
After waiting for my friend for about 20 mintues and almost
turning into a frozen tuna, I was really pissed off that I went into
the highschool without any permission..(I really don't give a shit)
all the students looked at me like what the heck
and most of the girls glared at me and in my mind I was like
"oh, thanks I know..I know I am fucken fabulous.
you don't have to stare at me like that LMAO XD"
but since I am a human and I do have feelings...
I was a little bit embarrassed.
I asked one of the students who was staring at me
"where's the office?" and she told me where the highschool office was
(since the school had both middle school and highschool)
and then when I got there the teachers all stared at me
so I asked, "Umm...I'm looking for a student called Chae Hyung Lim?"
(Chae Hyung Lim=the No-makeup guy. Vianka calls him that..)
and she was pretty bitchy "How can I find him with only his name?
do you even know how huge this school is?!"
In my mind I was like
as a matter a fact yes, I do know the fucken school is huge as ur ass
but then after all that fuss
I found out the class he was in. It was 2-7
When I got there, all the guys started at me
(since the class is divided into male and females)
and I stomped in the classroom again without any permission
the teacher looked at me like WTF and I still stomped right in
and finally suprised my friend.
my friend was like, "How did you get here!?"
and I was like
"you Jackass you made me wait for 20 mintues outside FUCK YOU!"
oh, yes I cussed (in english of course)...
even though I knew it was a school.
That's just me..but all the students feared me cuz they had
after that I went to this really cool Japanese ramen place
and ate ramen with my friend and then ate ColdStone icecream
and went to random places.
around 3:30 PM-ish I had to go to
Hong Ik University to meet up with
my EX-BOYFRIEND....and that was when
I really really got ticked off
while "dating" (it wasn't a date..but just a hangout..i guess)
he wanted to call out the girl
he was cheating on when he was going out with me..WTF
I mean I guess we are friends now but we are not that close to
bring out someone that was part of our relationship...WTF!
he's a jerk....
He finally called her up and she acted like she was gonna show up
so we waited for 30 mintues and finally she called him back
saying "I can't go cuz I have other plans"
WTF..I really really hate her. After the waiting...we went to watch
movie....and the seat arrangement was fucked up. We were in the MIDDLE
and from front back left right, it was filled with COUPLES.....URGH
worst half-day ever....This wasn't how I exepected my day to end...
anyhow this was what we watched.
*I am the Legend*
pretty good movie!!! I liked it..but the wrong person to watch with..
I still can't believe I have slight feelings for him.
I thought I didn't but when I saw him again..after a 4 month apart,
I still had that butterfly wiggly feeling.....URGH...
here are some Emo pics that expressed my feelings after meeting my Ex.
Posted by suksters at 3:53 PM 4 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Don't get it
I sometimes don't get myself.
I know that I am making the worst decision of all but right now
it seems like the best decision. I hope I don't mess up today
Shit.....this revenge thing is not working as I have predicted.
Where the hell is all my confidence that I brought with me from Saipan?
I was so ready for it but now it seems like I'm gonna lose again for sure
I have been making plans for months for this to happen but now that
it might's giving me the shitty feeling...the butterfly effect
I know don't have the Feaud look on.
I'm not a psycho as you think I am
I'm so frustrated....I don't even know
recently I have realized that I look like a "country girl" in Korea
I mean I wear the same clothes and yet
I still look like a Saipanese that doesn't fit in
Maybe I'm paranoid but it really feels like it
Urgh...since my computer in Korea doesn't have speakers
(it did..but after when my cousin toached it, it didn't work..WTF)
I can't watch my favorite show in Youtube..
this addcition is greater than cigs....
I'm trying hard to quite but I don't know why..I just can't
shit....before coming to Korea I smoked 15..or something in the party
then after that the day I came to Korea I met up with my friend
and smoked it seems like a long journey to me...quitting..
but don't worry..I am GOING to quite..I'm just not working harder...
my friend showed me this movie..and it was hilarious
4th dimensional movie..everyone cannot get it
Its about this couple who loved each other so much
but the guy has OCD and when he sharpened all his pencil in a certain way
it was funny..XD ( least to me)
anyhow the girl I guess gets tired oh his OCD-ness and the guy has
hard time appologizing to the girl and she gets ticked off whenever
he doesn't appologize....anyhow..
when they were splitting apart after divorce, they exactly split everything
they own. like for example, if they own a picture they took together,
the guy would cut the picture exactly into half and give it to the girl
...(OCD people are weird..)
and she was like " you just cut my heart into pieces when you did that.."
or something like that....
then they split and then the guy goes crazy cuz he gave his clock to the girl
and tries to get it back but the girl won't give it to him... was a weird movie but I enjoyed it.....there are some things
that I cannot describe cuz the Korean slangs and stuff..but
there were some parts where all the people in the theater laughed about
but I thought it wasn't that funny at all...
Well anywayz... will be another hectic day
wait for my another post everyone!!
Posted by suksters at 1:43 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Finals are OVER!
I am so glad that the finals are finally over...
Although it was a little pack since all my finals were
on Monday and Tuesday..but I feel great that that's out of the way
One reason why I liked this week and last week
(even though it was the finals week) was because I didn't have to
deal with the applications for college..since the finals are out of the way
now..I'm back stressing with the stupid college apps...shit..
all the events, things I have to do..are all coming towards me all at once
I don't even know if I want to go to Korea..but I'm leaving tonight....
I thought the flight was yesterday
but turns out to be buzy packing
here are some pics that I took while I was studying Sociology...
I know, I know I didn't get much studying.....HAHA..

Ah, memories.....These are really precious to me
It all passes by and this is the only thing the remains
I'm planning in taking a lot of pictures before my graduation
so that I can leave as much as memories with my Senior class
because I'm gonna miss them so much
no matter how much butthole they are
Don't worry. Ayaka, Vianka and many of my blog lovers
I'm going to post as much as I can when I get there!!!
Posted by suksters at 2:04 AM 3 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The placebo effect: the feeling of falling in love
I don't know why but I really
don't feel comfortable with myself.
I don't know why..but I think it's
from too much stress, pain, and the scar
maybe I wasn't being myself.
Maybe I turned into a monster that the
society created and adapted to it.
I know for sure that I wasn't like this
"uncomfortable" with myself.
These days I have came to a realization
that Love isn't everything in life
Although it is a great element that
stimulates and changes a person but
it might be just a foolish placebo effect
that many people are just digging and
searching for just to gain an evanescent happiness.
I'm wondering if I'm just craving for that....
and because of that strong craving,
I have just lost myself during the
itinerary which the main goal is to find Love.
Do I regret? well not really..
because that effect is so great that
it makes me want to find more.
The addiction is so strong that I just can't live without it
I guess that's why many people try to find another spouse to love
because they cannot get over the feeling of being loved.
The feeling that they are loved and loving..
It is a great feeling. I have to admit
......but is it worth it?
I mean it's not even everlasting.
I am a strong, dedicated person and
I hope I don't loose that part of myself
since it is a great characteristic of me.
My problem is that I know how to give
but I don't know how to receive
I attach too much in one relationship
and don't know how to set it free when I have to
I mean it really doesn't make sense not letting go of someone for
6's better than 3 years but still...
that's a long period of time
Love, Love, Love
I know can't live without it..but trying hard to just live without it.
because it creates too much pain and problems,
Posted by suksters at 6:38 PM 4 comments
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Just about to end
Posted by suksters at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
War once again
Posted by suksters at 3:08 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Got Bitch?????
Posted by suksters at 12:06 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Sigh, Men fall for the wrong girls
the little amount of things from the people who
has less than the person they are taking away from
I'm selfish and ignorant
Yes, I do know that I am self-centered and I really
don't care what others think about me or
I don't think about others before me but
at least I don't take away things from other people
You know why I'm pissed with God?
because to some people, he gives Love and support
and to some he just doesn't care
Favoritism exist in religion too, I guess
He gives someone a boyfriend and a boy toy
so that, that person will not get bored
He gives that same someone a great college acceptance
without even working hard
He gives that person everything she wants to get
and spoils her as if she is someone
He takes less from her and takes a lot of things from me
I don't have excessive resources that I can give out
I barely survive today
I might look like I have everything but I don't
and yet, he still take things from me
I die to go to college and he does not give it to me
I die to get him back but he does not give him to me
I die for the needs. I don't "just" get what I want
I work my butt off to get what I want
and still he never listens to my prayers
Am I being too selfish?
Am I asking too much?
but compared to her I'm asking less...
You give her everything she asks for
I have never begged you for many things and yet you still
don't give it to me.
you always come back to him and play with his heart
whenever you want to. whenever you feel like
It's so easy for you to get his attention
but for me it's hard
No, I don't want to get that attention anymore
but it is really frustrating to see you play around with his heart
Let me tell you something,
He might have used me and made myself a fool out of me
but I still care for him.
See, you might think his heart is just a piece of shit
and it might not worth anything to you.
You sure can do anything to it
cuz he allows it
you might do whatever to that heart because you might not care
but that heart your playing with is the heart that I have been
working hard to get for 6 months.
Posted by suksters at 2:00 AM 3 comments
Monday, December 3, 2007
First Love
"Goodbye, My First Love during the age of 17"
Today after dropping my brother to SAT prep tutor, I went to
Best Seller to see if there was any Teen Vogue..
apparently they didn't have any but I looked through
PEOPLE mag. and came across this phrase:
"In order to meet the right, true Prince Charming,
you have to kiss a lot of FROGS"
Sorry to compare you guys with frogs but I think it is right...
but when you think about it, I mean all the frogs that you fell for
seems like the right Prince Charming at first..
after few months or so you realize or actually your friends realize it first
that he is not for you.. then you kind of get disappointed...
at first you don't want to admit that you have dated a frog..
but turns out you did...
you loved that stupid frog that acted like a prince and can't get over
the whole relationship.....
I mean so far I have only picked one frog
The question that I want to ask is "why can't the right guy be your first love"
I mean I gave away my first kiss, the label of "first" to that guy
cuz I thought he was the right guy.
Miss him? well not really.
Do I miss the relationship? No..
because it wasn't that great in the first place to be missed
I'm just okay. I'm not sad but that doesn't mean that I'm happy
I have this really emptiness in my heart because the
frog just gobbled half of my heart.
Just waiting for another frog to come along
so that I can kiss him see if he's my true prince
To my future Prince:
By the way, I really don't like waiting.
If you are just approaching me just to fool around
Don't even try. you are picking the wrong girl to mess
I'm done with the whole "using"
I don't want a curious boy that I have to babysit
I want a MAN. Who respects women
Posted by suksters at 1:53 AM 2 comments
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Am I maturing or what?
These days I have been really annoyed by NMAers stupidness
Am I maturing I just annoyed because I have PMS?
I don't know but what I'm sure is that I am ANNOYED...
It is really really sad to see young girls having fake smile on
I mean they're so young
and I can't believe they're so fake in a young age
I know these days I have been talking about
fake people constantly but it is true
Wen feel it and I feel it and everyone feel it.
Some people think they are good enough to make harsh "funny"
(they think it's funny, but I don't think it is) comments
but I say they are in the same ranking and don't have the right to make any
fucked up comments about other people. I mean who do they think they are? rite?
I don't think they are any better than the people they make fun of.
(If you know who I am talking about..)
I just get annoyed when people just use people
and think it is the right thing to do.
as if that person was born to just get used
who the fuck does that rite?
but appearently the people here do it
and believe me, I have been used by people
and it is one of the crappy feelings out there
a human can feel. I really hate it...
I don't know I mean...since I know how it feels like, I don't use people
for only to benefit myself. Although I am cold, I am not a selfish bitch.
you many call me a hardcore bitch but I at least have the brain to
think what is right and wrong. I have morals and values..that's why
I am different from the stupid bitches that bitch for nothing.
well enough of that,
College, college, college
that has been always on my mind
I am not even sure if I can get into the college that I always dreamed of going
I still need to send out my transcripts..WTF..
I know, I know, I have been procrastinating....URGH
I hate procrastinating but when I try to do things..I just get lazy...
being a senior is the hardest thing...
I am thankful that any of my friends don't ask me to hang out with them
There are many reasons why but my foremost reason is because
I don't want to be like them.
They really disappointed me this semester
They seem like they are not the same people that I use to know
the people that I thought was kind, amicable...but
...all the good characteristics just rusted away
it's either that or I'm over-reacting
but I don't think I'm over reacting.....
Posted by suksters at 4:23 PM 4 comments