I am so glad that the finals are finally over...
Although it was a little pack since all my finals were
on Monday and Tuesday..but I feel great that that's out of the way
One reason why I liked this week and last week
(even though it was the finals week) was because I didn't have to
deal with the applications for college..since the finals are out of the way
now..I'm back stressing with the stupid college apps...shit..
all the events, things I have to do..are all coming towards me all at once
I don't even know if I want to go to Korea..but I'm leaving tonight....
I thought the flight was yesterday
but turns out to be tonight..so buzy packing
here are some pics that I took while I was studying Sociology...
I know, I know I didn't get much studying.....HAHA..

Ah, memories.....These days..pictures are really precious to me
It all passes by and this is the only thing the remains
I'm planning in taking a lot of pictures before my graduation
so that I can leave as much as memories with my Senior class
because I'm gonna miss them so much
no matter how much butthole they are
Don't worry. Ayaka, Vianka and many of my blog lovers
I'm going to post as much as I can when I get there!!!
Hi, Nice:) good photos
Look from Quebec Canada
WWG :)
congradulations on finishing your finals, Suel Ki.
and yea, that's exactly the way how you should study for your test.
Have a wonderful winter break~!
It snowed here heavily.
I miss you suks!
Sarang he <3
Have a great time in Korea!
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