Sunday, December 9, 2007

The placebo effect: the feeling of falling in love

I don't know why but I really
don't feel comfortable with myself.
I don't know why..but I think it's
from too much stress, pain, and the scar
maybe I wasn't being myself.
Maybe I turned into a monster that the
society created and adapted to it.
I know for sure that I wasn't like this
"uncomfortable" with myself.

These days I have came to a realization
that Love isn't everything in life
Although it is a great element that
stimulates and changes a person but
it might be just a foolish placebo effect
that many people are just digging and
searching for just to gain an evanescent happiness.
I'm wondering if I'm just craving for that....
and because of that strong craving,
I have just lost myself during the
itinerary which the main goal is to find Love.

Do I regret? well not really..
because that effect is so great that
it makes me want to find more.
The addiction is so strong that I just can't live without it
I guess that's why many people try to find another spouse to love
because they cannot get over the feeling of being loved.
The feeling that they are loved and loving..

It is a great feeling. I have to admit
......but is it worth it?
I mean it's not even everlasting.
I am a strong, dedicated person and
I hope I don't loose that part of myself
since it is a great characteristic of me.

My problem is that I know how to give
but I don't know how to receive
I attach too much in one relationship
and don't know how to set it free when I have to
I mean it really doesn't make sense not letting go of someone for
6's better than 3 years but still...
that's a long period of time

Love, Love, Love
I know can't live without it..but trying hard to just live without it.
because it creates too much pain and problems,


Anonymous said...

o! suelki eunni da!

suksters said...

o! Tomo sajangneemee da!

taylor elaine said...

hey suel ki!
just wanted to wish you safe travels and a happy holiday before you leave!!

suksters said...

aww Thank you!!
you too! Happy holidays to you too!
I hope you have a great Christmas !!!